Elevate your life!

I work with the energetics of the body to decode old and outdated internal structures through movement, breath-work, and my energetic gifts.

A one on one session is a very personal experience that dives deep into the personal, inner coding of each person. I use forgiveness work, guided visualizations, movement, and a variety of other modalities with channeled information to energetically  repattern and clear the body of accumulated density. The archetypes of the chakras serve as a roadmap to pinpoint specific energetics and places in the body where we are holding on to outdated structures. These can be anything from how we interact with friends, the types of relationships we find ourselves in, to finding our true career path or calling, and all of the ways in which we show up in our lives that may not be in service to our highest alignment.

My work serves as a reinforcement practice to remind you of your strength, power, and innate wisdom.

Options to work with me

1:1 Energetic assessment and attunement sessions

30 minute energetic assessment

In these sessions I read the current energetics of your body through the chakra system. In this initial consultation, I'll map out and decode the messaging of your body offering guidance, connection, and clarity.

This offering is for you if you feel called to begin your reclaiming journey and want to see if we are a good pairing for where you are on your path or just feel called to this work.

30 minute energetic assessment

$ 77
I'm interested

75 minute energetic attunement session

This session consists of energy center clearing and removal of left over etheric debris (ie. pain, stress, trauma, etc.) residing in the energetic field keeping imbalances active. I also read the energetics of the body for deeper understanding of current emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual states.

I recommend these sessions in times of extra stress, vulnerability, or uncertainty, when deeper connection and clarity is needed.

75 minute energetic attunement session

222 USD
or pack of 5
1000 USD
I'm interested
"Transformative, compassionate, pure and inspirational. Working with Fruzsi is awakening all the essences that leads me back home within my soul."
Dearest Fruzsi! This session was mind blowing!
So grateful! Thank you!

1:1 Amazon Rising Mentorship

In these longer and deeply personal sessions we’ll embark on your reclaiming journey with the help of many different modalities and my energetic gifts to help repattern old, outdated belief systems that are no longer of service to your personal growth. In our work together, I’ll guide you to strengthen your mind and body as you learn to hold space for yourself on your path to more empowered living.

This work is for you if you are starting to feel something deeper in your bones but not sure where to start. You are starting to connect the dots and feel there is more to your life but are unsure how to access the new energy to actually create the life you truly want for yourself. You have specific blocks that you want to work through.You want to go deeper on your awakening journey to truly tap into unlimited potential. You are ready for the next level expansion and are committed to seeing yourself through a transformation process.

This process offers:

  • Deep cell level activation
  • Energetic attunement
  • Full body release of old and outdated internal structures
  • Specialized medicine sessions clearing out karmic and current energetic debris lodged in your energetic field
  • Deep alignment to your soul mission
  • Focus, resilience and grit development to help you finally follow through to live in abundance beyond your current field of experience

Through our work together you will allow your body to truly hold this new coding and high level frequencies to become the portal for your next NOW!


3 month Mentorship
$ 2,222
  • 2 hour bi weekly sessions working to open you up and expand you beyond your wildest imagination (recorded for you)
  • uncover and clear guilt, fear, and shame codes
  • understand karmic blocks and contracts
  • activate cell memory of purpose and highest vision
  • define and reinforce highest vision
  • understand low/high self worth energetics and the implications in daily decision making
  • light body activation
  • clear emotional debris
  • restructure nervous system to hold the vision/goal
  • authenticity activation
  • recalibrate inner child structuring/understanding emotions
  • shadow work and integration
  • additional support
  • playlists
  • and so much more!...


6 month Mentorship
$ 5,555
  • 2 hour bi weekly sessions working to open you up and expand you beyond your wildest imagination (recorded for you)
  • uncover and clear guilt, fear, and shame codes
  • understand karmic blocks and contracts
  • activate cell memory of purpose and highest vision
  • define and reinforce highest vision
  • understand low/high self worth energetics and the implications in daily decision making
  • primal essence reading
  • light body activation
  • clear emotional debris
  • restructure nervous system to hold the vision
  • authenticity activation
  • recalibrate inner child structuring/understanding emotions
  • shadow work and integration
  • playlists
  • optional in person work at my home studio at additional cost.
  • full access to all online content and programs I create in the meantime
  • regular whatsapp support
  • full spectrum access to my personal toolkit
  • daily cleansing and clearing
  • and so much more!...

CATAPULT package

12 month Mentorship
  • applications necessary, available starting March 2024
  • serious inquiries only
  • this package requires a deep level of personal commitment and financial investment

1:1 personal retreat 3 - 5 days in Hungary at my home studio

The ultimate healing journey and mastermind experience curated to your exact needs.
Prerequisite must have completed a minimum 3 months of 1:1 mentoring.


3 month mentorship program

Send me your details and I will get back to you!

Érdeklődés - 3 hónap mentorship
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6 month mentorship program

Send me your details and I will get back to you!

Érdeklődés - 6 hónap mentorship
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